Climate Repair Through

Infinite Recycling

The earth has 10 billion tons of plastics waste. It’s time we start using it.

Our plastic waste is going to waste...

In our current recycling system, less than 10% of plastic is recycled - and when it does get recycled it only gets a few turns before it is sent to landfill. This system perpetuates the need for more virgin plastic. 

By 2050, plastics alone will contribute to 15% of the total carbon budget, and outweigh fish in the oceans.


Plastics have remarkable properties that keep them deeply embedded in our products and our societies. We use them in our homes, our schools and in our work.
Packaging, fashion, automotive, the health industry - we all rely on this material.

We had no way to resolve this disconnect… Until now.

Want to join the team? Check our careers page.

The Samsara Eco Solution


    Through our unique approach to recycling, Samsara Eco can re-manufacture new plastics from plastics waste, infinite times over. Plastics reaching their end of life will never be considered ‘waste’ again.

    Our technology means we can decouple fossil fuels from plastics manufacturing, by delivering new plastics comprised of 100% recycled material (no virgin plastics supplementation needed).

    The result is truly circular!


    Our technology has a low carbon footprint and no high temperature requirements.

    That means we can perform infinite recycling from waste without harming the environment.

    At Samsara Eco we are committed to accountability, and transparency, every step of the way.


    Unlike traditional recycling, our technology results in recycled plastics with virgin plastic quality, no matter how many times they are recycled.

    Our premium recycled plastic can be used within existing cross-sector supply chains.


We are always looking for partners who have genuine sustainability goals and a desire to revolutionise their manufacturing processes to incorporate infinite recycling.

  • We know that solving the plastics crisis is also about culture and policy. That’s why we created SAM.FOR.CHANGE. SAM is still in its earliest stages, and we encourage you to join us in making it a voice of the community. Sign our pledge (and watch this space) for more on how we are working to bring change in the political arena.

  • We are constantly learning and we want to share our knowledge with you! Follow us to learn more about the myths of traditional recycling, the greenwashing tactics that corporations employ, and the science behind our technology.

Awards and titles

  • Australian Hero 2022

    Samsara Eco was awarded the title of Australian Hero at the InnovationAus Awards in Excellence. This award recognises the leaders of a company whose ambition and drive has resulted in a game-changing innovation, and a fabulous commercial or social impact success.

    We also walked away winners of the Energy and Renewables Award.

  • Banksia Foundation Ignite Award 2022

    Samsara Eco was awarded the 2022 Banksia Foundation’s Ignite Award for a “technology that contributes to the development and well-being of human needs and institutions while respecting the world’s natural resources and regenerative capacity.”

  • Fast Company World Changing Ideas Awards 2022

    Fast Company have recognised Samsara Eco at through numerous awards and nominations, including:

    Winner of the Small & Mighty Award

    Finalist for the Asia-Pacific Region award

    Honourable mention in the On the Rise and Climate categories

Samsara Eco is backed by